Thursday, March 5, 2009

Babe it's okay to run

we're born to run away from anything uncomfortable.
i won't run away from you
it's okay to run away from me.

so if you can,
break your promises
and then break free.
no need to rush,
cos we're all dying anyway.

and when you run,
i will run behind you,
that i may watch your every step,
i will keep on running.
and when you fall,
i won't pick you up,
so that you will learn to get up by yourself.

and as time passes,
you will learn to enjoy the breeze on your face
as you keep on running.

and i will run after you,
until my legs can't carry me anymore,
and i will fall,
and watch you run, until i don't see you anymore.

it's pointless to keep on waiting,
this i know.
but i know that you will feel secure
if you know that somewhere,
someone is waiting for you.
even if it takes forever,
as long as you're not crying anymore.

if you have to crush me to be happy,
i'll let you crush me.

if you have to leave me to be happy,
i'll let you leave.

if you have to love someone else to be happy,
i'll let you love whoever you want.

if i have to disappear forever to make you happy,
i willingly go away from your life.

i'm sorry i can't change a thing about me.
i'm just me.
i gave my best.
i gave my all.
but to you,
indeed, my all and my half doesn't make any difference.
my best isn't good,
my all isn't enough.
i can't give you anymore.

i keep on trying,
i keep holding on.

if it's so stupid to love me,
let go.

i don't want to hurt you anymore.
not with my words.
not with my hands.

i tried everything.
nothing works.

it sucks to know that we're not meant to be.
it sucks to know that we're not compatible.
it sucks to know that you hate my ways,
it sucks to know that i love you just the way you are but you don't.

i have been the most truthful and honest to you but you labelled my truths as fake.

i think asthmatic patients cry a lot.
i find it extremely hard to breath when i'm crying.
oh no, it's not asthma.
it's called the Brokenheart Syndrome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello was just thinking of dropping by here. i'm glad you have come to terms with the fact that loving someone requires a leap of faith, and that a soft landing is never guaranteed. i think i understand how you feel right now, but then again, maybe i don't. i really do think that if you’re convinced that you’re not good enough, you’ll have a hard time letting someone into your life that thinks you are. and the best part about being in, love is when you just love a person and you are happy about it. even if that person can never be yours, even if you know it can’t last forever. that’s the true essence of love; it’s not about winning someone and it’s not about owning a relationship. it’s about being happy because you know you’ve loved someone and it’s about being guiltless because you know that you didn’t take away someone from anybody. you just loved, and loved unselfishly. i just want you to know that i'm here for you as you are always there for me. cheer up <3